Management Of Dock Labour Services
Designed For
Shipping and Logistics practitioners, Deck Officers, Apprentice Pilots, Ship Security Officer, shipping development officers.
At the end of the programme, participants should, among other things, be able to:
1 . Discuss the difference between management practices for dock labour before and after the port concessioning.
2. Suggest best management practices for dock labour.
2. Identify the major causes of dispute in dock labour relatives.
3. Appropriate best methods of planning, turning and retention of dock labour services.
Key Topics
1 Principles of management
2. Dock labour operations
3. Structure of dock labour in service ports
4. Arbitration laws and collective bargaining.
5. Categories of port workers in cargo handling
6. Types of cargo handling services
7. Management of container terminal operations
8. Organization and management of port storage facilities
9. Pooling of dock labour service providers
10. International dock labour laws